Tuesday, October 22, 2013


We have been canning apples lots and lot of apples. Mainly we have been canning apple sauce and apple cider. This has been a very good year for apples which is really nice after the complete crop failure in our area a year before. We made 7.5 gallons of apple cider and canned it. We have made 42 quarts of apple sauce and may do some more. I really want to be sure we have enough for a while in case something happens to next year's apple crop. The price of apples at the store is just ridiculous for this time of year which makes me think we are never going to see a drop in apple prices at the grocery store. Usually the price drops around this time of year but it hasn't. I plan on putting away all the apples I can at a low price because I am sure they will never go lower again.

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