Friday, October 07, 2011

Not crazy...

This year I have canned 779 jars of food for my family. That is roughly 200 jars more than last year. What surprises me is when people comment as to how "crazy" this is or am I preparing for the apocalypse? I am not crazy nor preparing for disaster. What I am doing is making the most of the food that I grow or what is available to me locally for a reasonable price. Yes, it is a heck of a lot of work. No, I don't always enjoy it but it is worthwhile. I can make a meal for my family on any night of the week without ever leaving my home. In fact I can cook for weeks and months on end without leaving my home. I know that in the even of a job loss or something else that my family will be fine foodwise for a while. That is just common sense in my humble opinion.

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