Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Not couponing anymore.

There was a time for many years that I was considered a coupon "queen". I would use coupons in such a way that I typically saved 70% on my groceries and had a stockpile of stuff that resembled a small store. When we started trying to live sustainably I began to rethink my coupon use. It occurred to me over time that most of the food I had been buying was highly processed an unhealthy. I might have been saving money but the food I was buying was horrible. You never see coupons for salads and healthy protein... My friends don't understand why I have quit using coupons because they are still caught up in convenience foods. They cannot fathom making bread from scratch when you can buy it so cheaply. I have given up and believe that this is a path you have to find on your own.

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